Joglo house Bali

January 20, 2008

Today i was in Uluwatu near to the oldest temples in Bali, Pura Uluwatu. Being a popular surfing spot for the very experienced, so i walk in the middle of nothing in the border of the cliff this Joglo a traditional house from java and will take some shot,enjoy the view.

The joglo roof is the most complex of all Indonesian house

House of Bali environment

January 04, 2008
TRADITIONAL BALINESE HOUSETraditional Balinese architecture has Javanese, Chinese, and South Indian elements, all laid over a strong ancient Indonesian/Polynesian base--the Balinese love to absorb, adopt, and adapt. The simple longhouses and terraced sanctuaries of the ancient pre-Hindu Balinese have become highly stylized hybrids of both Hindu and Chinese parentage.TRI ANGGATri angga mean...
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