Villa Rental Bali

October 30, 2008
Bali Hotels Resorts real estate overview The recent year's tremendous growth in the Balinese villas rental market continues, with a large number of developments coming up chattering for this fast-growing market. Tourism arrivals and villa rental growth were at an all-time high 2007, so fare the figures for 2008 is up with another 24% in an average. The Bali real estate developer for the...

Japanese Restaurant in Bali

July 18, 2008
A small authentic Bali Japanese restaurant, styling its menu mostly on sushi and sashimi that tastes so unique and delicious you would be forgiven to get that sweet surrender feeling on each visit. This is no such fancy place of a fine dining concept neither does it stress on the interior décor. It’s simply a small eatery with great food, great taste and great value that would put any big n...

Joglo house Bali

January 20, 2008

Today i was in Uluwatu near to the oldest temples in Bali, Pura Uluwatu. Being a popular surfing spot for the very experienced, so i walk in the middle of nothing in the border of the cliff this Joglo a traditional house from java and will take some shot,enjoy the view.

The joglo roof is the most complex of all Indonesian house

House of Bali environment

January 04, 2008
TRADITIONAL BALINESE HOUSETraditional Balinese architecture has Javanese, Chinese, and South Indian elements, all laid over a strong ancient Indonesian/Polynesian base--the Balinese love to absorb, adopt, and adapt. The simple longhouses and terraced sanctuaries of the ancient pre-Hindu Balinese have become highly stylized hybrids of both Hindu and Chinese parentage.TRI ANGGATri angga mean...
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